The module provides XML parsing and generation procedures. It also has optional dependency on LibXML for XML/HTML parsing. See details below.
To use the bindings from this module:
(import :std/xml)
This module adds utilities to work with XML. Gerbil Scheme uses SXML to represent the XML data. This module is mostly ported from Oleg's XML package. See more detailed info about SXML can be found at [http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/xml.html].
We also provide bindings for LibXML with the gerbil-libxml external package. That provides C-based XML parser procedures parse-xml and parse-html including their options.
(read-xml source [namespaces: ()]) -> sxml | error
source := port | string | u8vector
namespaces := alist or hash-table mapping urls to namespace prefixes
Reads and parses XML from source and returns SXML result. namespaces is
optional alist or a hash table of mapping uri (string) -> namespace (string)
same interface as parse-xml
so that implementations can be swapped. Signals an
error on invalid source value.
> (import :std/xml)
> (read-xml "<foo><element id=\"1\">foobar</element><element id=\"2\">barbaz</element></foo>")
(*TOP* (foo (element (@ (id "1")) "foobar") (element (@ (id "2")) "barbaz")))
SXML Queries
(sxpath path) -> sxml
path := list
Evaluate an abbreviated SXPath
sxpath:: AbbrPath -> Converter, or
sxpath:: AbbrPath -> Node|Nodeset -> Nodeset
AbbrPath is a list. It is translated to the full SXPath according to the following rewriting rules:
(sxpath '()) -> (node-join)
(sxpath '(path-component ...)) ->
(node-join (sxpath1 path-component) (sxpath '(...)))
(sxpath1 '//) -> (node-or
(node-self (node-typeof? '*any*))
(node-closure (node-typeof? '*any*)))
(sxpath1 '(equal? x)) -> (select-kids (node-equal? x))
(sxpath1 '(eq? x)) -> (select-kids (node-eq? x))
(sxpath1 ?symbol) -> (select-kids (node-typeof? ?symbol)
(sxpath1 procedure) -> procedure
(sxpath1 '(?symbol ...)) -> (sxpath1 '((?symbol) ...))
(sxpath1 '(path reducer ...)) ->
(node-reduce (sxpath path) (sxpathr reducer) ...)
(sxpathr number) -> (node-pos number)
(sxpathr path-filter) -> (filter (sxpath path-filter))
(sxml-select n predf [mapf = values]) -> sxml
n := sxml nodes
predf := predicate function
mapf := transform function
Collects all children from node n that satisfy a predicate predf; optionally transforms result with mapping function mapf once a node satisfies a predicate, its children are not traversed.
(sxml-attributes n) -> list | #f
n := sxml node
Returns the attributes of given node n or #f if node does have any attributes.
(sxml-e n) -> symbol | #f
n := sxml node
Returns the element type of node n or #f if no type is found.
(sxml-find n predf [mapf = values]) -> sxml
n := sxml nodes
predf := predicate function
mapf := transform function
Find the first child that satisfies a predicate predf, using depth-first search. Predicate predf is a lambda which takes an node as parameter and returns an boolean. If optional mapf is given the results satisfying predf are transformed with it.
(sxml-select* n predf [mapf = values]) -> sxml
n := sxml nodes
predf := predicate function
mapf := transform function
Select from immediate children of node n using predicate function predf. Results satisfying predf are transformed if given optional mapping function mapf.
(sxml-attribute-e n key) -> any | #f
n := sxml node
key := string; node key
Returns the node n attribute value for given key or #f if value is not found.
(sxml-attribute-getq key attrs) -> any
key := string; node key
attrs := alist?
attribute list => value
(sxml-class? klass) -> lambda
klass := string; node class to match
returns dom class
(sxml-find* n pred [mapf = values]) -> sxml | #f
n := sxml node
pred := predicate fn
mapf := transform fn
find in immediate children
(sxml-e? el) -> lambda
el := sxml element
returns element type
(sxml-id? id) -> lambda
id := sxml node id value
returns dom id
(sxml-children n) -> list
n := sxml node
returns nodes children as a list
(sxml-find/context n predf [mapf values]) -> sxml
n := sxml node
predf := predicate fn to match
mapf := transform fn to apply to matches
find with context
(write-xml sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Writes given sxml data as XML into output port. Signals an error on invalid port.
(write-html sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Writes given sxml data as HTML to output port. Signals an error on invalid port.
(print-sxml->html sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Write given sxml into port after converting it to HTML. Indents the result to multiple lines.
(print-sxml->html* sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->html
but skips formatting the result.
(print-sxml->html-fast sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->html
but skips formatting the result.
(print-sxml->xhtml sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Write given sxml into port after converting it to XHTML. Indents the result to multiple lines.
(print-sxml->xhtml* sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->xhtml
but skips formatting the result.
(print-sxml->xhtml-fast sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->xhtml
but skips formatting the result.
(print-sxml->xml sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Write given sxml into port after converting it to XML. Indents the result to multiple lines.
(print-sxml->xml* sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->xml
but skips formatting the result.
(print-sxml->xml-fast sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Same as print-sxml->xml
but skips formatting the result.
(pretty-print-sxml->xml-file item outpath [noblanks]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Serializes SXML data from sxml into XML and writes the result to a port.
This depends on external xmllint
program being in PATH.
(pretty-print-sxml->xhtml-file sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void
sxml := SXML nodes
port := output port
Serializes SXML data from sxml into XHTML and writes the result to a port.
This depends on external xmllint
program being in PATH.
(sxml->html-string-fragment item [maybe-level] [quote-char = #\"]) -> string
item := SXML nodes
maybe-level := #f | fixnum; how much to indent the result or skip indent if #f
quote-char := quote character to use
Serializes the given SXML nodes in item into HTML string and returns it as a string. If maybe-level is given the result is indented.
(sxml->xhtml-string item [maybe-level] [quote-char = #\"]) -> string
item := SXML nodes
maybe-level := #f | fixnum; how much to indent the result or skip indent if #f
quote-char := quote character to use